
Gloves of Mettle: An Interview with Timothy Steele

September 10, 2024 Elijah Perseus Blumov Season 7 Episode 5

Mea culpa: Apologies for my faint audio in the beginning!

Soundtrack to this episode

Second soundtrack, because... I had to.

Topics discussed in this episode include:

-Thom Gunn and some of his literary interests (Henry James, George Macdonald, Saki, Ovid, etc.)

-My episode on Thom Gunn

-My episode on Timothy Steele

-Read The Classical Outlook!!

-Writing from experience vs. writing from ideas

-"Missing Measures" by Timothy Steele

-All the Fun's In How You Say a Thing, 2nd Edition!

-Desert Places by Robert Frost

-How form informs content

-The importance of rhythmic modulation

-"The Audible Reading of Poetry" by Yvor Winters

-"Versification: A Short Introduction" by James McAuley

-The 20th century metrical Renaissance

-Bring back verse epistles!

-Yvor Winters's criticism: pro and contra

-The Plain Style

-The Stanford School: Yvor Winters, Janet Lewis, J.V. Cunningham, Edgar Bowers, Helen Pinkerton, Thom Gunn, etc.

-X.J. Kennedy

-Palo Alto poets vs. San Francisco poets

-The Curious Case of Thom Gunn

-What Winters and Poe have in common

-The Smith, Wilson, Clark reading

-"Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of Steele"

-Waiting for the Storm by Timothy Steele

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My favorite poetry podcasts for:
Sharp thoughts and cutting truths (Matthew): Sleerickets
Lovely introspection and sensitive reflection (Alice): Poetry Says
The landscape of Ohioan poetry (Jeremy): Poetry Spotlight

Supported in part by The Ohio Poetry Association
Art by David Anthony Klug

List of the most common metrical feet:
Iamb: weak-STRONG (u /)
Trochee: STRONG-weak (/ u)
Anapest: weak-weak-STRONG (u u /)
Amphibrach: weak-STRONG-weak (u / u)
Dactyl: STRONG-weak-weak (/ u u)
Cretic: STRONG-weak-STRONG (/ u /)
Pyrrhic: weak-weak (u u)
Spondee: STRONG-STRONG (/ /)